Monday, October 5, 2015

Instagram Photos... Myrtle Beach Sunrise

I'm sure you've heard of the latest social rage..."Instagram"... sharing your favorite photos with family...friends...through the internet. Here are some of my favorites photos, as my theme will be..." Myrtle Beach sunrises". I love going to the beach at the break of dawn and watching the sun rise at the beach...or Myrtle Beach Boardwalk. The cool breeze, the fresh salty air...the sounds of the waves...very relaxing...and very invigorating... for me. A great way to start my day! I'd like to share these personal photos with you on this blog. Unlike many photos on Instagram, there has been no editing done to my pictures...just using auto-focus on a simple Canon PowerShot camera. FYI... if you're new to Instagram...or would like to learn more about it, come visit my website 

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